Sunday, May 26, 2013

Beatle Tour and Albert Docks

My group decided to stay in Liverpool this weekend, since we leave for London tomorrow! So on Saturday we decided to take a 3 hour Beatle's tour! It was wonderful. Our driver was great and even took our picture( on everyone's camera too) at pretty much every location we went too. Below are some my favorite places on the tour:

This is the church where John Lennon was a choir boy when he was younger. He was kicked out though because he stole from the offering. John grew up in Woolton village. The same place I go to teach my year 2 students. :) 

In the St. Peter's Hall where John Lennon and Paul McCartney met for the first time!

Strawberry Field!!

In front of the Penny Lane Barber shop. Based on the song and where Paul use to get his hair cut since he lived down the street from here.

The taxi we were in for the tour. I got to drive!! Just kidding, but our guide was nice enough to let me sit in the car! 

In front of the place where John and his first wife Cynthia got married! Notice it's 64, which inspired the song, "When I'm 64".

The place where the Beatles first played!

Today (Sunday) we spent the day at Albert Docks to go to the celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic! It was cool because there were navy ships from all over the world and sailors too! It was crazy busy, but we had beautiful weather so it was perfectly fine! After the docks we headed back to campus to get ready for our long week holiday! We are spending Monday and Tuesday in London, then heading off Tuesday night for Barcelona, Spain! I am so excited to visit these two beautiful cities! I will try to blog from there as I have wifi and will post pictures next weekend! Cheers until next time!

Albert Docks. We had such beautiful weather!

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