Monday, May 13, 2013

We Made It!

I am sitting in my Liverpool Hope University dorm room, after a very exhausting day of traveling yesterday. We had a bumpy ride from Dayton to Philly, then had a five hour layover before we headed off to Manchester. The flight to Manchester was actually quite quick and we got there an hour before we were suppose to, which made everyone happy. The jet lag did not really hit me until we were on the hour bus ride from Manchester to Liverpool. Dr. Popplewell did a great job of keeping us up though and we had orientation at the university all day, then had a great dinner of fish and chips. After dinner a group of us walked to a pub with Dr. P to finish off the night. It has been a great first 24 hours! Tomorrow we have lecture( class) in the morning and then we have the afternoon to go to downtown Liverpool to shop for things we might have forgotten and to experience the Liverpool culture. Until tomorrow, Cheers! 
This is the "Harry Potter" dorm on campus! 

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