Saturday, May 25, 2013

Thursday and Friday: Much Woolton and ASDA

Hey all! I am sorry I have not posted much, but I will have three new blog posts for you this weekend! One today, then two tomorrow about the Beatles tour and Albert Docks! Here is what I did on Thursday and Friday!

On Thursday we got to go back to Much Woolton Primary School. I love my Year 2 kids so much! They are wonderful and so smart. They are rowdy at times, but I think that is to be expected from 6-7 year olds. In the morning, the students had assembly again and learned about loving one another. After assembly, the students had P-Time (P.E.). The only problem was that it was raining, so we had to bring all the Year 2 students into the cafeteria and they learned a dance to a dance video. Some students were working on testing during this time, but we still had about 40-45 year 2 students in the cafeteria, so it was a little crazy. After P.E. it was playtime (recess) and since it was still raining, the students watched a movie in the cafeteria. After playtime, it was back to the classroom and the students just had some silent reading time. It was then time for lunch! It still amazes me that the students get 75 minutes for lunch. They definitely use it to their advantage by eating lunch, then going outside to play. After lunch, we went back to the classroom and worked on science. The students are currently working on solids, liquids, and gasses so my co-teacher, and I helped them with their worksheets. The students then had more time to read, and I got to read "Horrid Henry" to some of the students in my class. I really think they enjoyed me reading to them. After that it was playtime again, then the students got to finishing watching the rest of their movie. The group I travel with, decided to walk home and we even stopped at the bakery on the way back to campus. It was so good! I had the best shortbread cookie of my life.

The schools here are very different, but it is a great experience in many ways! I cannot wait to go back after our week break for a day, then spend the last three weeks (minus the one we have to travel) in the school everyday.

On Friday we had lecture (we normally don't, but since we do not have class next week we needed to meet Friday) til about 11:30, but then we realized that we did not have the room for the whole time, so Dr. P was kind enough to let us out early. My group ate lunch at the Student Union where we had  pizza and caesar salad. After lunch we headed to ASDA ( England's Walmart) to pick up some things for our trip next week and some food to cook this weekend. ASDA is huge! It's not like a Walmart in America, it's more like a Costco or IKEA. They have everything and even have a little cafeteria inside. After ASDA, we headed back to campus for a nap, then went out to dinner with some Liverpool Hope students we have made friends with over the last two weeks. It was very good!!

It was definitely a good Thursday and Friday! Please look back tomorrow for two new blog posts. :)

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