Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Liverpool Hope University

Hey all!! There's not much new here in Liverpool! The last couple of days have been filled with seminars and just plain relaxing. Seminars are great and Dr. P is honestly one of the best professors I have had. He knows what he is talking about, and I have learned so much for him in such a short time. Dr. P is also very kind, caring and funny. He is always there if you need him.

Since the last time I have written, my group has figured out where we are going for the rest of our weekend trips! Here they are below:
-London and Barcelona, Spain
-Berlin, Germany
-Paris, France
-Rome and Venice, Italy

I am so excited for these wonderful adventures that are ahead of me! 

The plans for the rest of the week include seminar Wednesday and Friday, going to Much Woolton on Thursday, then this weekend we are exploring Liverpool! We plan on doing the Beetles tour and go down to Albert Dock where there are some free museums.  We also plan on doing some shopping to get ready for the our trip to London and Barcelona next week. :)

Cheers until next time!

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