Sunday, June 2, 2013


This last week has been quite the adventure! We had the whole week off due to Bank Holiday and it was the school's half term so we went to two places. Our first stop was London, then Barcelona. This blog is all about London.

We got into London about 10:30 am by train. It was a long and early train ride, but we were able to nap so we were rested and ready to go when we pulled into London. As soon as we got there, we were met by Dr. P and he took us to the hotel we were staying in and got us checked in. After we checked into our rooms and cleaned up, we headed out to see what London had to offer! The first place we went was King's Cross station was to meet up with one of my family friend's Julie Barnes who was nice enough to meet up with us and showed us the sights. At King's Cross is also where Platform 9 3/4 is set in Harry Potter. This site became so popular that the station added a Platform 9 3/4 for people to take their picture. We had to wait about 20 minutes, but it was definitely worth it!

King's Cross Station

Platform 9 3/4!!

Off to Hogwarts I go!

After Platform 9 3/4 we grabbed some lunch then headed off to see some more of London! We saw everything from Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, London Eye, and we even saw the Queen's Police which are known as horsegaurds. We also went to Buckingham Palace which was absolutely amazing! 

After our day of sight seeing, we headed back towards the London Eye to hang out/grab some dinner before we went to go up into the London Eye at sunset and in the dark. We had lunch at this really good organic restaurant and is honestly the best meal I have had since I have been here. It's not that the food here is bad, but it is just very heavy. At the restaurant I had a goat cheese/tomato frittata, side salad, and a strawberry tart. It was so good. I wish I would have taken a picture of it, but I was so hungry that I forgot. After dinner we headed down to the London Eye and went up! It was amazing, and I am so glad that we went at night because London is such a pretty city at night! We had a great first day in London.

The second day we were in London, we didn't have the best weather and it pretty much poured the whole day, so we decided this would be our calm/ shopping day. We basically just hit some area shops, had some lunch, then headed back to our hotel to get ready to head to the airport and go to Barcelona. London was great, and I definitely wish I had more time there. I hope to make it back some day! 

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