Monday, June 3, 2013



Barcelona was absolutely beautiful! We spent 3 full days and had a wonderful time. I can't wait to tell you all about my adventures in Barcelona.

We got to Barcelona late Tuesday night and just crashed because we were all exhausted from traveling. We woke up early Wednesday morning and had brunch of toast, muffins, and juice, then headed out to see the sights! We decided to walk the main street which is called La Rambla. It is the main tourist street, but it was still good to see all the hustle and bussle. Barcelona was our first real culture shock trip. We were the minority language for the first time in our lives. It was definitely a good experience though because we learned to fit into their culture and learned to communicate through hand signals and pointing. I now know how it feels for people to United States and don't speak english. It's definitely a scary experience, but was definitely worthwhile.

We walked down La Rambla and stumbled across a local market. It was so cool! They had every fruits, vegetables, meat, nuts, cheeses, candy, etc. that you could think of. We decided that since it looked so good, we would go ahead and eat lunch there. I had fresh fruit and chips with fresh guacamole and it was only 5 euro, which is about $6.50. Definitely worth the money for a fresh meal. After we grabbed lunch, we walked down to the Port de Barcelona and sat by the water for awhile. We then decided we were tired from traveling so we went back to our hostel and took a siesta, which is a tradition in Spain where everything shuts down for a couple hours and everyone takes a nap. We were definitely oaky with participating in siesta!
The market! 

Port de Barcelona
The Spain and Catalan Flag
This is the independent flag of Catalan. The people with this flag want Catalan to seperate from Spain and become their own country. 

The water was so pretty!

After our siesta we headed out to find a nice place to eat dinner. We went and walked back near the port to tried to find a place there. As we were walking up the street about to give up, we were stopped by this restaurant manager stopped us and asked us to eat at his restaurant  He said if we did, he would give us a surprise at the end. We decided to go ahead and eat there. Let me tell it was a great meal and at the end our surprise was a glass of champagne. We had a great first day!

On our second day, we went on a three hour walking tour of Barcelona provided by our hostel. It was neat to hear about the history and see all the beautiful architecture. We did not do much the rest of the day besides walk around, then walked back to the market to pick up stuff to make for dinner. For dinner we made grilled vegetables, potatoes, and feta and avocado. It was a very good meal! 


Friday was our last day in Barcelona and we made it a full day. We started out but going up to Gaudi's tile park and it was so beautiful and pretty. He was obviously an amazing architect because his work is just stunning. After, we grabbed a quick bite to eat, then headed off to the Sagrada Familia which was definitely an experience that is hard to describe. you honestly just have to go there yourself to experience. 

Barcelona was definitely a great trip! I cannot wait for Berlin, Germany this weekend! Cheers until next time! 

Pictures from the Sagrada Familia! 


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