Thursday, June 27, 2013


This blog is a little late because I have had a crazy last week at school.   I will be blogging about my last week at school later this week. :) This blog is all about my trip last weekend to Dublin!

The travel group for my trip to Dublin, Ireland consisted of my friend Brandon, another BSU student from my class, my high school friend Amy (who is studying abroad in Spain and came later Friday evening) and myself. The other three girls Brandon and I normally traveled with planned a trip to Dublin next week.  They have other friends coming over, so we decided to go ahead and do Dublin on our own!

We landed in Ireland about 12:15pm on Friday, hopped on the bus and headed into the city of Dublin. After we dropped our bags off, we stopped at a little Pub called O'Shea's for a WONDERFUL lunch of fish and chips. It was a great meal!  Then, we explored Dublin and happened to find not one, but two bookstores! As many of you know, one of my hobbies is definitely reading. I love reading all types of books by many authors. I also wanted to make sure I found several children's books only sold over here, so I can take them back for my future classroom. After the bookstores, we continued walking around some more.  We met up with some other BSU students that were in Dublin for dinner. After dinner, we headed back to the hostel to wait for Amy to arrive! Once Amy arrived in Dublin, we went out to listen to some great Irish music, then off to bed to wake up for a big day on Saturday!

We woke up early Saturday, ate breakfast at the hostel, then headed out to do some sight seeing! Our first stop was Trinity College and it was a beautiful place. We walked around campus for a bit and wanted to see the Book of Kells, but it was a bit of a wait and very expensive, so we just decided to go ahead and pass and just hang out on campus.

After Trinity College, we made our way to St. Patrick's Cathedral, which is a famous cathedral in Dublin. The cathedral was absolutely beautiful. I had a great time walking around and reading about the great history of the cathedral!

It started absolutely pouring when we finished touring the cathedral, so we stopped at a little restaurant for lunch and to wait for the rain to stop. After lunch, we headed on our way to Dublin Castle. Dublin Castle was one of the things I was really looking forward to going to visit, but we were sad to find out when we got there that it is currently closed and would open again until July 1st. Dang. It was still beautiful from the outside though!

After the castle, we decided to go and do some souvenir shopping! I have not done much shopping for myself except a few children's books, but wanted to find myself a nice piece of jewelry from Ireland. I am happy to say I found myself a nice Claddagh ring, and I absolutely love it!  We spent the rest of our afternoon and evening  in a few more shops, had a great dinner, then headed in for the night. I had an absolutely great trip to Ireland and was so glad I got to see my friend Amy! I definitely hope to make it back to Ireland one day. Next weekend, we are doing a day trip to Chester, then head off to Italy on Monday! Cheers until next time!

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